Mullets to Number Ones – Kids Organise Fundraiser For Fellow Club Member.

The idea came from brothers Sam and Matt after their club mate Kirk, 11, was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer called DIPG. “He was going through radiation and starting to lose some hair so we thought we could lose some hair together,” said Sam.

Heads at Hurunui Rugby Club will be feeling the chill a little extra this week after coming together for a mullet shaving fundraiser.

The idea came from brothers Sam and Matt after their club mate Kirk, 11, was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer called DIPG. “He was going through radiation and starting to lose some hair so we thought we could lose some hair together,” said Sam.

Sam and Matt who had been growing their luscious locks for three years when Kirk was diagnosed, initially pitched the idea to club mum Sarah Reed. Sarah approached Hurunui Rugby Club who jumped on the idea and made it a part of their Club Day. “Matt and Sam came up with the idea, but Sarah made it happen” said the boys’ Mum, Lucy.

Eleven heads hosting mullets sat for man of the hour, Kirk, to shave his fellow club members manes, leaving them to feel that North Canterbury air on bare necks for the first time in many seasons. Hairdresser Hayley Frame was there to make sure each scalp was presentable for school and work afterwards (much to the relief of some parents).

The post to the Hurunui Rugby Club Facebook page asking for gold coin donations prompted many others to join in with one member offering to match $150 as well as donating his own cascading locks for the cause.

The club and surrounding community raised over $3000 for Ronald McDonald House, which Kirk will present to the charity on his next visit.

“It’s been awesome, it was a real privilege to be a part of it,” said Sarah, who also had her head shaved, “it gave Kirk a bit of a buzz too, excuse the pun!”

“We’re just really lucky here with this community” said Sarah, “We’ve got such a great strong rural community here. It was a great way for the boys to give something and not feel so helpless and be able to give something back to Kirk”.

If you would like to donate to the fundraiser for Ronald McDonald House you can contact Sarah Reed on

You can also find a Give A Little Fundraiser page for Kirk and his family here.

Words by Hannah Yates


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